Thursday, 11 August 2011


Arterial system: canals that carry blood from the heart to the organs.
Posterior auricular: vessel carrying blood to the ear.
Occipital: vessel carrying blood to the head.
External carotid: neck vessel carrying blood to the face.
Internal carotid: neck vessel carrying blood to the brain.
Common carotid (left): vessel carrying blood to the left side of the neck.
Brachio-cephalic: main vessel of the arm.
Left subclavian: vessel carrying blood beneath the left clavicle.
Right coronary artery: vessel feeding blood to the tissues of the right side of the heart.
Thoracic aorta: main artery fo the thorax.
Celiac trunk: vessel carrying blood to the thoracic cavity.
Renal: vessel carrying blood to the kidneys.
Superior mesenteric: vessel carrying blood to the upper part of the abdomen.
Abdominal aorta: principal artery in the abdominal area.
Inferior mesenteric: vessel carrying blood to the lower part of the abdomen.
Common iliac: principal artery of the lower limb of a human being.
Internal iliac: internal branch of the iliac artery.
External iliac: external branch of the iliac artery.
Profunda femoris: vessel carrying blood towards the inside of the thigh.
Peroneal: vessel carrying blood to the lower leg.
Lateral plantar: vessel carrying blood to the side of the sole of the foot.
Dorsalis pedis: vessel carrying blood to the dorsal part fo the foot.
Plantar arch: vessel carrying blood to the instep area of the foot.
Medial plantar: vessel carrying blood to the median part of the sole of the foot.
Anterior tibial: vessel carrying blood to the front part of the lower leg.
Posterior tibial: vessel carrying blood to the back part of the lower leg.
Popliliteal: vessel carrying blood to the back of the foot.
Femoral: vessel carrying blood to the thigh.
Superficial palmar arch: vessel situated just beneath the skin of the parmal arch of the hand.
Ulnar: vessel situated in the area of the ulna.
Common interosseous: vessel situated between the two bones of the forearm.
Gonadal or genital: vessel carrying blood to the genital organs.
Radial: vessel situated in the area of the radius.
Brachial: vessel carrying blood to the arm.
Profunda brachial: vessel carrying blood towards the interior of the arm.
Axillary: vessel carrying blood to the armpit.
Right subclavian: vessel carrying blood beneath the right clavicle.
Right vertebral: vessel situated on the right carrying blood to the vertebrae.
Common carotid (right): vessel carrying blood to the right side of the neck.
Superior thyroid: vessel carrying blood to the thyroid.
Lingual: vessel carrying blood to the tongue.
Facial: vessel carrying blood to the face.
Maxillary: vessel carrying blood to the maxillae.
Superficial temporal: vessel carrying blood to the surface of the skin, in the area of the temples.


Adult female (anterior view): mature female human being.
Skull: bony case of the brain.
Forehead: part of the face between the hairline and the eyebrows.
Temple: part of the head between the eye and the top of the ear.
Chin: protuberance of the jaw below the lower lip.
Nipple: conical protuberance forming the point of the breast.
Breast: part of the human chest which contains the mammary gland.
Navel: mark left by the umbilical cord.
Pubis: area at the base of the lower abdomen covered by pubic hairs.
Thigh: upper part of the lower limb of humans; it contains the femur.
Knee: joint between the thigh and the lower leg.
Leg: lower part of the lower limb of humans.
Foot: part of the lower limb of humans that supports the body when it is standing.
Toe: digit of the foot.
Hand: part on the end of a human arm, composed of five (5) fingers and used for thouching and holding.
Abdomen: lower part of the trunk, containing the digestive organs.
Chest or thorax: the part of the upper trunk above the diaphragm and over the ribs.
Mouth: entrance to the digestive tract, situated in the lower part of the face.
Nose: projecting part of the face between the mouth and the forehead, site of respiration.
Ear: external organ of hearing.
Cheek: part of the face between the nose and the ear, and the eye and the lower jaw.
Eye: sight organ.

Adult female (posterior view): mature female human being.
Hair: hair on the scalp of a human being.
Shoulder: joint connecting the arm to the trunk.
Back: rear part of the body, between the kidneys and the nape of the neck.
Elbow: joint connecting the upper arm and the forearm.
Forearm: part of the upper limb between the elbow and the wrist.
Hand: part of the end of a human arm, composed of five fingers and used for toucning and holding.
Buttock: each of two fleshy parts at the base of the back.
Thigh: upper part of the lower limb of humans; it contains the femur.
Ankle: joint connecting the leg to the foot.
Heel: back part of the foot.
Calf: muscular surface at the back of the leg, below the knee.
Posterior rugae: crease between the two buttocks.
Lumbar region or loin: region of the lower back, in the area of the kidneys.
Wrist: joint connecting the forearm and the hand.
Hip: part of the side of the body between the waist and the thigh.
Shoulder blade: one of two flat triangular bones in the upper back.


Adult female (lateral view): mature female human being.
Face: front part of a humand head.
Trunk: central part of the body.
Thigh: upper part of the lower limb of humans.
Leg: lower part of the lower limb of humans.
Foot: part of the lower limb of a human that supports its weight when it is standing.
Ankle: joint connecting the leg to the foot.
Forearm: part of the upper limb between the wrist and the elbow.
Arm: part of the upper limb between the elbow and the shoulder.
Shoulder: joint connecting the arm to the trunk.
Neck: part of a human being between the trunk and the head; the neck supports the head.
Head: upper part of the body, comprising the face and the skull.

Adult male (anterior view): mature male human being.
Skull: bony case of the brain.
Forehead: part of the face between the hairline and the eyebrows.
Temple: part of the head between the eye and the top of the ear.
Chin: protuberance of the jaw below the lower lip.
Chest: part of the upper trunk above the diaphragm and over the ribs.
Nipple: conical protuberance forming the point of the breast.
Breast: part of the human chest which contains the mammary gland.
Navel: mark left by the umbilical cord.
Abdomen: lower part of the trunk, containing the digestive organs.
Pubis: area at the base of the lower abdomen covered by pubic hairs.
Penis: external reproductive organ of a human male.
Scrotum: small sac under the human penis containing the testicles.
Knee: joint between the thigh and the lower leg.
Toe: digit of the foot.
Abdomen: lower part of the trunk, containing the digestive organs.
Thorax: the part of the upper trunk above the diaphragm and over the ribs.
Mouth: entrance to the digestive tract, situated in the lower part of the face.
Nose: projecting part of the face between the mouth and the forehead, site of respiration.
Ear: external organ of hearing.
Cheek: part of the face between the nose and the ear, and the eye and the lower jaw.
Eye: sight organ.

Adult male (posterior view): mature male human being.
Hair: hair on the scalp of a human being.
Shoulder: joint connecting the arm to the trunk.
Back: rear part of the body, between the kidneys and the nape of the neck.
Elbow: joint connecting the upper arm and the forearm.
Forearm: part of the upper limb between the elbow and the wrist.
Hand: part of the end of a human arm, composed of five fingers and used for toucning and holding.
Buttock: each of two fleshy parts at the base of the back.
Thigh: upper part of the lower limb of humans; it contains the femur.
Ankle: joint connecting the leg to the foot.
Heel: back part of the foot.
Calf: muscular surface at the back of the leg, below the knee.
Gluteal furrow: crease between the two buttocks.
Lumbar region or loin: region of the lower back, in the area of the kidneys.
Wrist: joint connecting the forearm and the hand.
Hip: part of the side of the body between the waist and the thigh.
Shoulder blade: one of two flat triangular bones in the upper back.
Adult male (lateral view): mature male human being.
Head: upper part of the body, comprising the face and the skull.
Neck: part of a human being between the trunk and the head; the neck supports the head.
Shoulder: joint connecting the arm to the trunk.
Arm: part of the upper limb between the elbow and the shoulder.
Forearm: part of the upper limb between the wrist and the elbow.
Ankle: joint connecting the leg to the foot.
Foot: part of the lower limb of a human that supports its weight when it is standing.
Leg: lower part of the lower limb of humans.
Thigh: upper part of the lower limb of humans.
Trunk: central part of the body.
Face: front part of a humand head.

1 comment:

  1. it is a great idea to share this. it is a useful for all enlish literature students and medical students. thank.
